SPECIAL OFFER - 15% off all gin using code CARE15 | 10th March - 16th March

Shetland's New Gin Pipeline


Shetland Reel is thrilled to announce that we have secured grant funding for an exciting new project. Homes across Shetland are going to have the opportunity to apply for grants to get gin tapped into their homes.

The first one hundred homes to trial the gin on tap will be in Shetland but if successful will be rolled out to the rest of the UK. Residents in Unst will receive a direct line from the distillery whilst other communities in Shetland will see gin tanks being installed at the end of this summer. The grant funding covers the installation of the tanks and running the gin to individual homes. The final piece of plumbing is being sent out directly to residents to fit themselves but is a simple 5-minute job with clear instructions. The gin running through the tap will be mixed with tonic and ready to drink. Shetland Reel felt the premixing was necessary in order to help residents take sensible measures of gin in each drink.

The tap is only useable through the Shetland Reel app which includes many safety features to encourage sensible drinking. The facial recognition and AI systems ensure that only admins on the app can work the tap. The tap is also limited as to the number of gins it will serve per week, per admin as well as ensuring that after every use the tap is automatically flushed with tonic to clean away any gin residue.

We are thrilled to be at the forefront of the gin industry with this new technology and look forward to receiving applications through our website.

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