SPECIAL OFFER - 15% off all gin using code CARE15 | 10th March - 16th March

Winter Gin Cocktail

Winter Gin Cocktail


2 tsp honey 
60ml cups hot water
1 whole lemon zested and sliced thinly 
4 slices of lemon for around the outside of the glass 
1cm sliced of ginger 
1 -2 cinnamon sticks (depends on personal preference, it's fine without)
Shetland Reel Ocean Sent Gin, to taste


Prepare the lemon zest, honey and cinnamon in a pan on low heat, add a strip of ginger for 30 mins and let simmer. 
Using this spiced tea you have created arrange the lemon around the inside of the glass. Add the warm water and the Ocean Sent Gin.

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