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Gill looks after the day to day accounts, the increasingly complex logistics and supports the stock movement for the many events that the distillery attends.  She somehow manages all this working part-time in the Grantown on Spey office.

How did you get involved in the drinks industry?

I enjoy part-taking in a wee tipple or two, so when the post to join the Shetland Distillery team in Grantown came up, I had to jump at the chance.

What do you enjoy most about working for Shetland Distillery?

Producing a unique and award winning Gin is a great start, However working within a close-knit team makes it for me.  Always a laugh.

Where is your favourite place in Shetland to enjoy a gin?

Having previously only travelled to Shetland for a University placement working on the Northlink Ferry, I am yet to sample a Gin on Island.  However, my favourite place to enjoy a Gin, is at home with family over fine food and good chat.

What it is your signature cocktail?

I have a sweet tooth, so the Shetland Bramble is my go-to cocktail.  Taking Original gin, simple syrup, lemon, mint and topping off with our moreish Rhubarb and Bramble liqueur is simply gorgeous.

What makes Shetland Reel special to you

There is a large dedicated community spirit towards our products which is brilliant.  Also, knowing our products are enjoyed throughout the world, is simply fantastic.


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