SPECIAL OFFER - 15% off all gin using code CARE15 | 10th March - 16th March

A Shipping Update

Lockdown has seen a huge shift in how we distribute and sell our Shetland Reel spirits. Sales of our products through traditional channels, like the distillery in Unst and in shops across Scotland, have inevitably reduced as people stay at home. On the plus side, our online sales have grown dramatically. This is fantastic news and we’re heartened and thankful for all your ongoing support.

This increase in online business has however meant that we’ve had to review how we ship and distribute our products. As a relatively small business, customer service is very important to us and we want to ensure every customer receives their order in tip top condition and in a timely fashion.

To ensure we continue to do this, we are increasing our UK delivery costs from £4.95 per bottle to £5.95 per bottle. This incremental rise will cover the cost of packaging and distribution and will take effect from Saturday 6th February. Note: this increase applies to our bottles of spirits and not the smaller items on our website, which have reduced postage and packaging.

This is the first postage increase we’ve had since we launched Shetland Reel in 2014, and we hope you can appreciate it’s not a decision we’ve taken lightly. For the sake of transparency, we make no profit from shipping – all monies go directly towards the distribution, postage and packaging.

For deliveries outside the UK, we advise you contact us direct and we will endeavour to provide a quote. It’s also worth bearing in mind that shipping overseas is costed on a per parcel basis, rather than per bottle, so it is more cost effective to order two or more bottles at a time.

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